Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Fall has arrived

It's that time of year again, Fall is in the air.  We all know what that means...time for our regularly monthly meetings to once again start.  We will be having out September meeting on Saturday September 10th at the Grundy Church of Christ's picnic shelter from 4:00 p.m. till 6:00 p.m.  This might seem a little out of the ordinary since we normally meet at the Library or Presbyterian Church but we are going to try something a little new.  A "Membership Roundup" with food and games, and hopefully a few new members and possibly a few members that might have strayed away from our flock, is whats on the agenda.  If you know of anyone who might be interested in attending please let Sandy or Tania know at 935-4519.  Look forward to seeing everyone again after the long summer break and be sure to hunt out those Cowgirl Boots.

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